How awesome is our God!
First, thank you for taking the time to look at our web site. And as you look, I pray you are aware of the fact that America moves by truck, and without trucks, America stops!
I am told that there are over 5 million over-the-road truck Drivers, and nearly 8 million C.D.L. drivers total! We, along with other trucking ministries, are attempting to reach those who spend most of their time living on the road, bringing us everything we have.
There is a saying, “The only thing you can have that a truck Driver hasn’t handled is a baby.” But, everything that the baby needs is handled by one or more truck Drivers.
I was an over-the-road truck Driver for approximately 20 years. I learned to drive a truck shortly before going into the U.S. Army. During my two years in the Military, I drove truck in Viet Nam for one year then back to Ft. Bragg, N.C. driving there my last 6 months in the Army. After the Army I became a commercial truck driver. During the next 20 years I was in many cities across the U.S. on Sunday morning wanting to worship, but no way to get to a church. When I reduced my trucking to regional running in 1979, God began to deal with me about ministering to the drivers who were stuck in Atlanta for the weekend. In March 1981, I went to the (then) Truck Stops of America in Conley (Atlanta), GA on I-285 and Moreland Avenue and was given permission to conduct a Bible study and see what would happen. Thirty-three years later, to the glory of God, and by His grace, we are still trying, and are now in over 82 truck stops in 29 states.
If you feel led, you may want to become a financial supporter of this tremendous mission opportunity. You can donate online, by phone, or by mail. Or, you may want to become a part of the team of over 500 workers across the country that ministers to the Drivers each week. Feel free to call the office for more information or contact any of our Executive Board members.
Again thanks for taking the time to visit our web site. If I can be of further assistance or answer any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me personally.
In HIS service,
Rev. Joseph H. Hunter
Founder (President 1981-2018)